Battle Angel Alita
Battle Angel Alita

Battle Angel Alita


Last Update: Jan 13,2015

Tag: Action Seinen Sci-fi
Author:KISHIRO Yukito

Alita is a powerful cyborg with a soft heart and a mysterious past. Her second lease on life isn’t easy: her heart is broken, she gains and loses friends to the cruel world of the Scrapyard far below...more

Chapters Comment
Vol (59) Order
Vol.09 Ch.047 Vol.09 Ch.046 Vol.009 Ch.005.2 - Epilogue Vol.009 Ch.005.1 - To Take Tiphares Vol.009 Ch.004 - Epitaph Vol.009 Ch.003 - Last Blade Vol.009 Ch.002 - Ouroboros II Vol.009 Ch.001 - No Brainer Vol.008 Ch.006 - Ouroboros Vol.008 Ch.005 - Barkack Chronicles Vol.008 Ch.004 - The Thousand Faces of Madness Vol.008 Ch.003 - Solid State Vol.008 Ch.002 - Chasing Kaos Vol.008 Ch.001 - The Last Broadcast Vol.007 Ch.006 - Sweet Fruit of Life Vol.007 Ch.005 - Fork in the Road Vol.007 Ch.004 - Den of Barjack Vol.007 Ch.003 - Panzer Bride Vol.007 Ch.002 - Bard of the Badlands Vol.007 Ch.001 - Inherit the Skies Vol.006 Ch.006 - Rainmaker Vol.006 Ch.005 - The Plains of Betrayal Vol.006 Ch.004 - Hell Beast Vol.006 Ch.003 - Nuclear Winds Vol.006 Ch.002 - Angel of Death Vol.006 Ch.001 - Beyond the Yellow Door Vol.005 Ch.007 - The Lion and the Lamb Vol.005 Ch.006 - Collison Vol.005 Ch.005 - Demon Dog Vol.005 Ch.004 - Collapse Vol.005 Ch.003 - Flask of Karma Vol.005 Ch.002 - Dog Master Vol.005 Ch.001 - Season of Revenge Vol.004 Ch.005 - Ars Magna Vol.004 Ch.004 - Outsider Vol.004 Ch.003 - Carry on the Dream Vol.004 Ch.002 - Red Zone Vol.004 Ch.001 - Headbanger's Ball Vol.004 Ch.000 - Extra Story Vol.003 Ch.005 - Only One Heart Vol.003 Ch.004 - The Skull Challenge: Part Two Vol.003 Ch.003 - The Skull Challenge: Part One Vol.003 Ch.002 - King of Kings Vol.003 Ch.001 - Killing Angel Vol.003 Ch.000 - Extra Story Vol.002 Ch.005 - Beyond the Clouds Vol.002 Ch.004 - Bitter Dreams Vol.002 Ch.003 - Rainy Days Vol.002 Ch.002 - Iron Maiden Vol.002 Ch.001 - Out of Blue Sky Vol.001 Ch.007 - Compassion Vol.001 Ch.006 - Struggle Vol.001 Ch.005 - Hell Trap Vol.001 Ch.004 - Berserkers Reborn Vol.001 Ch.003 - Torn Asunder Vol.001 Ch.002 - Fighting Blood Vol.001 Ch.001 - Rusty Angel Vol.001 Ch.000 - Extra Story Vol.000 Ch.000 - Another Story - Bashaku Ando
Read to Vol.000 Ch.000