Cat's Eye
Cat's Eye

Cat’s Eye


Last Update: Apr 11,2018

Tag: Action Comedy Mystery Shounen Slice of Life
Author:HOJO Tsukasa

This is a story about three sisters in search of their lost father, who was a famous artist. They steal his works of art from museums/galleries to make him recognize their presence in the world. The t...more

Chapters Comment
Vol (138) Order
Vol.16 Ch.135 Vol.16 Ch.134 Vol.16 Ch.133.1 Vol.16 Ch.133 - The Last Big Caper Vol.16 Ch.132 Vol.16 Ch.131 - A Caller from the Past Vol.16 Ch.130 - Tears Dancing On the Wind Vol.16 Ch.129 - The Sneering Goddess Vol.16 Ch.128 - Aphrodite Awakens Vol.16 Ch.127 - You Must Only Have Eyes for Me! Vol.16 Ch.126 - Cat Caught in a Trap Vol.16 Ch.125 - Sweet Whispers Vol.16 Ch.124 Vol.16 Ch.123 - De Ja Vu On the Wind Vol.16 Ch.122 Vol.16 Ch.121 - The Secret Behind Advance Notice Vol.16 Ch.120 - Bento Box Switch Vol.16 Ch.119 - To Bell the Cat Vol.16 Ch.118 - The Rat Goes Berserk Again... Vol.16 Ch.117.2 Vol.16 Ch.117 Vol.02 Ch.117 Vol.02 Ch.116 - Cleaning Up After Toshio Vol.02 Ch.115 - Twisted Time! Vol.02 Ch.114 - A Very Long Day Vol.02 Ch.113 - Bride Jacking Vol.02 Ch.112 - Throwing Down the Gauntlet! Vol.02 Ch.111 - My Most Important Girl! Vol.02 Ch.110 - For Someone's Sake... Vol.02 Ch.109 - Panties Are Scary!! Vol.02 Ch.108 - For Someone's Sake... Vol.02 Ch.107 - That's Your Head of Household? Vol.02 Ch.106 - So You Say He's Sexy Vol.02 Ch.105 - A Fabulous Fib Vol.02 Ch.104 - A Courageous Decision Vol.02 Ch.103 - A Cop's Business Suit Vol.02 Ch.102 - A Passionate Kiss Vol.02 Ch.101 - Love Montage Vol.02 Ch.100 - Rui's Boyfriend Vol.02 Ch.099 - Teacher Panic! Vol.02 Ch.098 - A Love That Transcends Time Vol.02 Ch.097 - Kisses In the Dak!! Vol.02 Ch.096 - The Right to be a Lover Vol.02 Ch.095 - Burn The Past Vol.02 Ch.094 - A Heavy Trigger Vol.02 Ch.093 - A Little Bird That Can't Fly Vol.02 Ch.092 Vol.02 Ch.091 Vol.02 Ch.090 - I Love You Vol.02 Ch.089 - Cassette Letter. Vol.02 Ch.088 Vol.02 Ch.087 - A Dangerous Proposition Vol.02 Ch.086 Vol.02 Ch.085 Vol.02 Ch.084 Vol.02 Ch.083 Vol.02 Ch.082 Vol.02 Ch.081 Vol.02 Ch.080 Vol.02 Ch.079 Vol.02 Ch.078 Vol.02 Ch.077 - One-Man Proposal Vol.02 Ch.076 Vol.02 Ch.075 Vol.02 Ch.074 Vol.02 Ch.073 Vol.02 Ch.072 Vol.02 Ch.071 Vol.02 Ch.070 Vol.02 Ch.069 Vol.02 Ch.068 Vol.02 Ch.067 Vol.02 Ch.066 Vol.02 Ch.065 Vol.02 Ch.064 - A New Year's Ball Vol.02 Ch.063 Vol.02 Ch.062 Vol.02 Ch.061 Vol.02 Ch.060 Vol.02 Ch.059 - For Your Happy Days Vol.02 Ch.058 - Super Gambler Vol.02 Ch.057 Vol.02 Ch.056 Vol.02 Ch.055 Vol.02 Ch.054 Vol.02 Ch.053 - Another Broken Heart Vol.02 Ch.052 Vol.02 Ch.051 Vol.02 Ch.050 Vol.02 Ch.049 - To Beard a Skunk... Vol.02 Ch.048 Vol.02 Ch.047 - Anything for a Scoop! Vol.02 Ch.046 Vol.02 Ch.045 Vol.02 Ch.044 - Red Love Letter Vol.02 Ch.043 Vol.02 Ch.042 - When It Rains... Vol.02 Ch.041 - My Bodyguard Vol.02 Ch.040 Vol.02 Ch.039 - He's a Detective! Vol.02 Ch.038 Vol.02 Ch.037 Vol.02 Ch.036 Vol.02 Ch.035 - Kung Fu Copper Vol.02 Ch.034 - Ghost Cat Vol.02 Ch.033 - Scattershot Detective Vol.02 Ch.032 Vol.02 Ch.031 Vol.02 Ch.030 - Everyone Has At Least Seven Bad Habits Vol.02 Ch.029 - Lose Sight of Love Vol.02 Ch.028 - The Lost Memory Vol.02 Ch.027 Vol.02 Ch.026 Vol.02 Ch.025 - Little Hurricane Vol.02 Ch.024 - The Guest Under the Snow Vol.02 Ch.023 - The Two Asatanis Vol.02 Ch.022 Vol.02 Ch.021 Vol.02 Ch.020 Vol.02 Ch.019 - I Wish this World Would Last Forever... Vol.02 Ch.018 - Cat's Eye is a Woman's Name Vol.02 Ch.017 Vol.02 Ch.016 - Ambush of the Hounds of Evil Vol.02 Ch.015 Vol.02 Ch.014 Vol.02 Ch.013 - Father's Portrait Vol.02 Ch.012 - Cat's Ghost Vol.02 Ch.011 - The Helping Cat Runs! Vol.02 Ch.010 - I Love Hitomi Vol.02 Ch.009 - Papa's Memories Vol.02 Ch.008 - The Persistent Rat Vol.02 Ch.007 - The Appearance of the "Thieving Gentleman" Vol.02 Ch.006 - Home for a Stray Cat Vol.01 Ch.005 - Flying in the Night Is a Dangerous Scent Vol.01 Ch.004 - Do You Prefer Blondes? Vol.01 Ch.003 Vol.01 Ch.002 Vol.01 Ch.001
Read to Vol.01 Ch.001