A bittersweet tale of puppy love, tragic pasts, and aspiration of pop star fame. A spark of faith ignites to a flame in twelve-year-old Mitsuki Koyama when a comical pair of magical beings appear to p...more
A bittersweet tale of puppy love, tragic pasts, and aspiration of pop star fame. A spark of faith ignites to a flame in twelve-year-old Mitsuki Koyama when a comical pair of magical beings appear to prove to her that dreams really do come true.
Young Mitsuki loves singing and dreams of becoming a popstar. Unfortunately a malignant tumor in her throat prevents her pursuing her passion. However, her life turns around when two suprisingly fun-loving harbingers of death appear to grant Mitsuki a temorary reprieve from her illness and give her singing career a magical push start.