Gin to Kin
Gin to Kin

Gin to Kin


Last Update: Oct 09,2018

Tag: Drama Psychological Seinen
Author:FUKUMOTO Nobuyuki

This manga describes the dealings of “Gin-ou“ and his associates, in the under-belly of society where shady dealings with stock speculators and politicians is the norm.

Chapters Comment
Vol (108) Order
Vol.11 Ch.108 Vol.11 Ch.107 Vol.11 Ch.106 - Turf Pitfall Vol.11 Ch.105 - Accident!!! Vol.11 Ch.104 - The Horse Disappeared...!? Vol.11 Ch.103 - 2 1/2 Minutes of Psychological Warfare Vol.11 Ch.102 Vol.11 Ch.101 Vol.11 Ch.100 Vol.11 Ch.099 Vol.10 Ch.098 Vol.10 Ch.097 Vol.10 Ch.096 Vol.10 Ch.095 Vol.10 Ch.094 Vol.10 Ch.093 Vol.10 Ch.092 Vol.10 Ch.091 Vol.10 Ch.090 Vol.10 Ch.089 Vol.09 Ch.088 Vol.09 Ch.087 Vol.09 Ch.086 Vol.09 Ch.085 Vol.09 Ch.084 Vol.09 Ch.083 Vol.09 Ch.082 Vol.09 Ch.081 Vol.09 Ch.080 Vol.09 Ch.079 Vol.04 Ch.078 - Feint Vol.04 Ch.077 - Massacre Vol.04 Ch.076 - Declaration of Slaughter Vol.04 Ch.075 - A Desperate Confrontation!! Vol.04 Ch.074 Vol.04 Ch.073 Vol.04 Ch.072 - A Choice Between Life and Death Vol.04 Ch.071 - Howl of Madness Vol.04 Ch.070 - Single-Handed Determination Vol.04 Ch.069 - Warped Murderous Intent Vol.04 Ch.068 - Beginning the Rebellion Vol.04 Ch.067 - Closed Room Murder Drama Vol.04 Ch.066 - A Revelry of Love, Hate, and Deception Vol.04 Ch.065 - The Feud of the Grand Family Vol.04 Ch.064 Vol.04 Ch.063 Vol.04 Ch.062 - Politicians and Stocks Vol.04 Ch.061 - Monkey Business Vol.04 Ch.060 - Nagata-Chou Restructuring Scenario Vol.04 Ch.059 Vol.04 Ch.058 - A Planned Happening Vol.04 Ch.057 - The Principles Of Gambling Vol.04 Ch.056 Vol.04 Ch.055 Vol.04 Ch.054 Vol.04 Ch.053 - Following The Lifeline To Victory Vol.04 Ch.052 Vol.04 Ch.051 - Am I My Biggest Ally!? Or Enemy!? Vol.04 Ch.050 Vol.04 Ch.049 Vol.04 Ch.048 - Human Hunting Vol.04 Ch.047 - A Dangerous Bet Vol.04 Ch.046 - House of Secret Gambling Vol.04 Ch.045 - Festering Desire Vol.04 Ch.044 - To Buy A Human Being Vol.04 Ch.043 Vol.04 Ch.042 Vol.04 Ch.041 Vol.04 Ch.040 Vol.04 Ch.039 - A Frenzied Scattering of Cash Vol.04 Ch.038 Vol.04 Ch.037 Vol.04 Ch.036 Vol.04 Ch.035 Vol.04 Ch.034 Vol.04 Ch.033 Vol.04 Ch.032 - A Loathsome Life Vol.04 Ch.031 - The Light and Dark Sides of Life Vol.04 Ch.030 - Crossing the Golden Bridge Vol.03 Ch.029 - The Shadow Game Vol.02 Ch.028 - Keep Your Enemies Closer! Vol.02 Ch.027 - Trap Within a Trap! Vol.02 Ch.026 - Authentic and Forgery Vol.02 Ch.025 - Eat or Be Eaten Vol.02 Ch.024 - The Art of Deceit Vol.02 Ch.023 - Find a Sucker! Vol.02 Ch.022 - A Good Dream Comes to an End Vol.02 Ch.021 - Returning From the Scene of Carnage Vol.02 Ch.020 - The View From the Animal Trail Vol.02 Ch.019 - Killing Ritual Vol.02 Ch.018 - The Last Bullet! Vol.02 Ch.017 - The World of the Pitch-Black Maze Vol.02 Ch.016 - The Devil Smiles Vol.02 Ch.015 - Great Evil Sleeps! Vol.02 Ch.014 - A Complex Mystery Drama Vol.02 Ch.013 - A Make-or-Break Deal Vol.02 Ch.012 - Do-or-Die Escape Vol.02 Ch.011 - A Dishonorable Last Frontier Vol.02 Ch.010 - The Day of the Showdown Vol.01 Ch.009 - The Crimes of Large Banks Vol.01 Ch.008 - The Silver King's Secret Plan Vol.01 Ch.007 - Stakeout Vol.01 Ch.006 - Secrets of the Stock Manipulation War Vol.01 Ch.005 - The Silver King's Motive Vol.01 Ch.004 - The Value of 50 Million Vol.01 Ch.003 - Final Dealings Vol.01 Ch.002 - Three Cases of Fate Vol.01 Ch.001 - Illicit Lending
Read to Vol.01 Ch.001