One Piece 843 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 843 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

10.19.2016 15:38

One Piece 843  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 843 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 842has been released now!!! Read it now!!!

One Piece 843  Spoilers:

Credits : yonkoproduction


Cracker gets blown all the way to Wholecake castle

Because of Cracker’s defeat to Luffy, state of emergency is declared and (citizens, I guess) are ordered to stay indoors.

Pound says things are getting real serious.

Pound: “The last time a top officer was defeated, Cracker’s avenging army swarmed the seas…”


Pound: “Lin-Lin, enraged, summoned a storm and sank the enemy ships in an instant, or so they say.”

Nami: “A storm!?”

Pound: “Lin-Lin can control the weather! Her left holds the thundercloud Zeus! Her right hand the sun Prometheus!”

Pound: “There is no way to stop Mom when she’s angry!”


Luffy and the others have King Baum bring them to the castle. Luffy, sleeping on top of King Baum, turns back to his normal size in an instant.

Luffy’s party heads to the castle, and before them appears the Vinsmokes’ cat cart.

Luffy jumps onto the cart, happy to see Sanji again, but Sanji kicks him down.

Sanji: “Go back where you came from, filthy pirates!”


Sanji announces that he’s a Germa prince and has no intention of going back.

Luffy isn’t convinced at all, and Yonji is about to chase him away, but Sanji stops him.

Sanji: “I’ll send him away myself…!”

---Spoliers End---





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