One Piece 846 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

One Piece 846 spoiler[MH Confirmed][Predictions & Discussions]

11.03.2016 10:05

One Piece 846  Spoilers!!!  One Piece 846 Prediction and Discussions!!! 

One Piece 845has been released now!!! Read it now!!!

One Piece 846  Spoilers:

Sources: 2ch

Trans: Aohige

Sorry for the late arrival, guys!

Luffy and Nami get defeated. Lola’s vivre card is taken by enemies.

Scene changes to Whole Cake Palace.

Big Mom gladly accepts Sanji’s requests, which enables Straw Hats to go out of the island.

Sanji swears that he will make Pudding happy.

Whole Cake Castle Hall of Treasure

Tamago explains the details of Poneglyph.

It is said that 30 Poneglyphs exist in the world, out of 9 is stones about “information”.

If someone leads them to Raftel, the stones start to tell the truth of the world.

4 Road Poneglyphs are necessary to reach Raftel.

Big Mom has 2 Poneglyphs (including the one brought by Jinbe) and 1 Road Poneglyph.

One of the Sweet General Smoothy, 14th daughter of Big Mom, appears.

Her bounty is 932 million berry.

Smoothy asks Tamago why the security inside the castle gets enforced.

Tamago answers that one Mink tribe invaded in the castle 5 years ago.

His name was Pedro, who was rescued since Pekoms begged Pedro’s life.

Pedro and Brook are located in liquor storage near Hall of Treasure.

Brook noticed by his ability that Big Mom has already noticed their invasion.


Brook and Pedro decide to steal Road Poneglyph by making Pedro a decoy.

---Spoliers End---

One Piece 845  Summery:

In response to Cracker's defeat, Big Mom creates a thunderstorm with Zeus and Prometheus as her Enraged Army marches to battle Luffy. She then meets the Vinsmoke Family for lunch. Purin later has a private conversation with Sanji in her room. As Luffy battles the Enraged Army, Sanji confides to Purin about his situation, revealing his past and precarious situation. After deciding to end his adventures, Sanji tells Purin that he is going to marry her the next day.

One Piece 845Spoiler Trivia:

 Eric is a filler mercenary who wields the Kama Kama no Mi. Due to the “Kama” part of his powers, Luffy keeps calling him an okama, much to Eric’s frustration.







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