On the very first day that Kuze Aoi transferred to Hinomiya Academy, he finds himself facing down the barrel of a gun. He is introduced to the campus and the student body by his childhood friend Miyab...more
On the very first day that Kuze Aoi transferred to Hinomiya Academy, he finds himself facing down the barrel of a gun. He is introduced to the campus and the student body by his childhood friend Miyabi and learns about the prince and princess among students, Shitara Sagiri and Hinomiya Kuon. Sagiri is a cool and beautiful while Kuon is elegant and magnificent. After school, Aoi gets lost on campus and Kuon begins shooting at him and he’s barely saved by a random girl named Atarashi Sonoko. It seems that Aoi holds a secret that is critical in a feud between two old, powerful families.